Getting to know Travels with Mum

I caught up with Kerrie AKA Travels with mum on all things family travel, I hope you love learning all about her and her wonderful family as much as I did!


Can you tell us a bit about you, your family and where you come from?

I have been a single mum of five children for nearly 14 years and nowadays my children range from teenagers to adults. The older three children have moved out and have their own lives,  but we still travel as a family of 6 together every so often, although, most of the time I travel with my younger two teenages or even solo!  We come from the Lake Macquarie area in NSW. 

What inspired your family to start traveling?

When my marriage broke down I decided that I would not give up travelling just because I was single. I didn't want my children missing out on experiencing everything travel brings and I wanted to spend as much time as I could with my children and to form close bonds. I saw travelling as much as possible as a means to achieve these outcomes. ( spoiler alert it has achieved all those outcomes and more!).

Travel Lifestyle:

How long has your family been on the road, and what places have you visited?

While we would love to be full time travellers this hasn't ever been possible because of shared care arrangements with my ex. He is very supportive of the children traveling just not full time, which is fair enough. This hasn't stopped us from travelling to some amazing places! We have travelled to every state in Australia (some multiple times) and many places overseas, with a lot more places on my bucket list!

What is your preferred style of travel (slow travel, backpacking, vanlife, etc.) and why?

Our way preferred style of travel is any way that is the cheapest!!! We started minimalist camping with tents when I first started travelling with the kids in Australia, even pitching tents in the snow to save on costs on our ski holidays. Recently I have purchased a converted  VW transporter Van which is a game changer! Free camping is so much easier now and set up is instantaneous... just pull up and you're done!  

Are there any specific travel experiences that stand out as favorites for your family?

While we have all experienced some amazing travel experiences we all agree that our Northern Territory trip was a stand out. While the younger two and I traveled for a month in the NT,  I flew the older three into Uluru so we could all be together to celebrate a milestone birthday for me! We were there for five nights and experienced everything this amazing place has to offer... none of us will ever forget it!

Budget and Finances:

How do you afford to travel as a family? Any tips for budget-conscious families?

How do we afford it?.... one word Budget! I prioritize travel in my weekly budget which means each week money is taken out into a separate bank account. We also don't spend money on unnecessary things, we buy second hand / get free items if we need it, and have a very strict budget when it comes to groceries and barely ever eat takeaway ... I have a saying  "I would rather eat sushi in Japan than in Australia"... and let me tell you the sushi is much better in Japan!

Have you found creative ways to earn money or save on the road?

I do online surveys while we are on the road (as well as at home) and that gives us a little extra to spend on food while travelling. I also find Wikicamps to be the best app when it comes to finding free camps in Australia which saves so much money on camping costs... our last trip together to Queensland we only stayed at one campground in the whole two weeks. When it comes to saving on petrol there are apps to find the cheapest fuel near you and I particularly love the 7 eleven  app as you can price lock in cheap fuel and you get velocity points to use on flights!! 

What were some unexpected expenses you encountered, and how did you handle them?

Touch wood I never really had any large unexpected costs while on the road but just in case i do have an emergency fund if anything arises.

Education on the Road:

How do you handle your children's education while traveling?

I have been so lucky with the children's schools that they have attended both primary and high school. The schools have been great at giving permission for them to travel during school term and haven't ever required them to do school work while travelling. In fact their primary school principal still likes to chat to me about our recent and upcoming travels when he bumps into us!


What types of accommodations do you typically choose, and why?

Cheap! Although every so often we do have a luxury stay while travelling… for example my daughter and I have stayed right on Lake Louise in Canada at the Fairmont and at an amazing Ryokan on Miyajima Island... but mainly I look for the cheapest accomodation or free camp because we are only there to sleep really.

Any memorable or unique places you've stayed as a family?

We have stayed at some amazing places....We recently went to Heron Island and that was amazing to see the turtle laying their eggs, We have hiked and camped in Mount Kosciuszko National Park and watched the sunrise, we have also hiked in and camped on Wineglass Bay in Tasmania and even staying at the campground at Uluru was memorable because you can look out from hill and see across to Uluru.. so spectacular!

Cultural Experiences:

How do you immerse your family in the local cultures you visit?

I look for free or cheap tours or experiences (local museums are great) or just walking around town helps to experience the local culture. It gives the family time to chat with the locals, taste new foods and experience what it is like in that country and town.

Challenges and Rewards:

What have been the biggest challenges your family has faced during your travels?

We are like any other family and sometimes we can get into arguments. We are all individuals and have our own opinions but to be honest it hasn't ever ruined a trip. We work through it, sometimes compromising to come to an agreement and move on. 

On the flip side, what are the most rewarding aspects of traveling together?

Everything! Spending time with the family, forming close bonds, experiencing new things, pushing our personal limits, communication and problem solving, overcoming anxiety and depression...just to name a few! One of my older daughters just said the other day how grateful she is that she has had those experiences with with me and her siblings!

Planning and Tips:

How do you plan your family travels? Any favorite tools or resources?

I love checking out other families' travels on Instagram, YouTube and Blogs. It gives me so much inspiration and ideas. I also use WikiCamps, and Syscanner to help plan and book camping spots, accommodation flights... for our big trips I have been known to stay up all night on these apps and not sleep at all!

What advice do you have for other families?

Just do it! Make it work! Travel doesn't have to be a big trip to the other side of the world, it could be one night at a local caravan park in a cabin because you are not keen on sleeping in a sleeping bag! The more you travel the more you will find your groove and what works for you, your family and your budget.. and on the topic of budget, if you really want to travel prioritise it in you weekly / fortnightly budget, cut back on other things that you really don't need and when you go to book look at cheaper alternatives. 

Technology and Connectivity:

How do you stay connected with family and friends back home when you are travelling?

Instagram and family messenger chat. if the older children aren't with us they always know where we are at and where we are heading even if it is a small day hike, they know so they can send help if needed!

Any must-have apps or gadgets for traveling families?

Must have apps are Wikicamps and The best gadget I have ever bought for my kids were walkies talkies... we each have one and when they were younger they were great for walking around the campsite as it gave them a little bit of freedom to explore but I could keep a track of where they were. We still use them today for hikes when we are out of phone range. I also have a PLB (personal location beacon) which thankfully I haven't had to use but gives me peace of mind when we travel out of range or are on hikes.

Future Plans:

What are your family's future travel plans or goals?

Our future travel plans are pretty free flowing at the moment. We have multiple snow trips to Perisher planned for the season, local camping trips, a few overnight hiking trips and I'm hoping to go on a snowshoe overnight trip this year! I'm also presently contemplating either going back (for the fourth time!) to Tasmania or NewZealand for some hiking adventures and in 2025 it will be my sons 18th overseas birthday trip (all the kids go away with just me for their 18th birthday) and although he hasn't quiet chosen where he wants to go yet i'm anticipating it will be something to do with soccer or snorkelling!

Any destinations on your family's bucket list?

Back to Japan to go skiing or ski somewhere new in Europe .... and in Australia back to the Northern Territory... It seriously was that awesome!


Where can we find you?

You can find us at Traveslwithmum on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook as well as on my blog


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